CANDIE (CANadian version of DIEcast)

It is a three-dimensional primitive equation z-level ocean circulation model. CANDIE has two versions.The C-grid CANDIE was developed by Sheng, Wright, Greatbatch and Dietrich. The A-grid CANDIE was developed primarily by Wright, in consultation with Dietrich.

three-dimensionalocean circulation


Initial contribute: 2019-12-30


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Application-focused categoriesNatural-perspectiveOcean regions

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Quoted from: Huang, Anning, Yerubandi R. Rao, Youyu Lu, and Jun Zhao. "Hydrodynamic modeling of Lake Ontario: An intercomparison of three models." Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 115, no. C12 (2010). 

CANDIE is a finite differencing, z level model [Sheng et al., 1998Lu et al., 2001]. It adopts Arakawa A grid using a filtered leapfrog trapezoidal scheme centered in space and time. It adopts the fourth‐order numerics suggested by Dietrich [1997] and a flux limiter approach suggested by Thuburn [1996] in the treatment of the advection terms in the momentum and temperature/salinity equations. CANDIE adopts the parameterization scheme of Smagorinsky [1963] for horizontal mixing. The horizontal turbulent Prandtl number is set to 0.1 (same as in POM). For vertical mixing the modified K profile (KPP) scheme of Large et al. [1994] is adopted. Following this scheme, the vertical viscosity (KM) and diffusivity (KH) are related to the wind stress in the upper mixed layer and to the gradient Richardson number in the stratified interior. The background values are set to 5 × 10−4 m2 s−1 for vertical viscosity and 10−5 m2 s−1 for vertical diffusivity. CANDIE does not adopt the shortwave radiation penetration in exponential decay below the top layer; this component is only distributed in the top layer (as shown in Table 1). The rigid lid version of CANDIE was used by Sheng and Rao [2006] to study the circulation and temperature distributions in Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. In this study, a linear free surface version of the model is applied [Lu et al., 2001].



CANDIE team (2019). CANDIE (CANadian version of DIEcast), Model Item, OpenGMS,


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