ISCLT3 (Industrial Source Complex Long Term Model)

The ISC long-term model uses input meteorological data that have been summarized into joint frequencies of occurrence for particular wind speed classes, wind direction sectors, and stability categories.

ISCLong Termmeteorological


Initial contribute: 2020-01-03


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Application-focused categoriesNatural-perspectiveAtmospheric regions

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The ISC long-term model uses input meteorological data that have been summarized into joint frequencies of occurrence for particular wind speed classes, wind direction sectors, and stability categories. These summaries, called STAR summaries for STability ARray, may include frequency distributions over a monthly, seasonal or annual basis. The long term model has the option of calculating concentration or dry deposition values for each separate STAR summary input and/or for the combined period covered by all available STAR summaries. Since the wind direction input is the frequency of occurrence over a sector, with no information on the distribution of winds within the sector, the ISC long-term model uses a Gaussian sector-average plume equation as the basis for modeling pollutant emissions on a long-term basis.



United States Environmental Protection Agency (2020). ISCLT3 (Industrial Source Complex Long Term Model), Model Item, OpenGMS,


Initial contribute : 2020-01-03



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