
The Northern Shaanxi model comprehensively describes the process of runoff generation and concentration in arid and semi-arid areas. The model adopts the model of over infiltration and runoff generation, and the model parameters have certain physical significance.

Conceptualhydrological model


Initial contribute: 2019-12-22


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Application-focused categoriesNatural-perspectiveLand regions

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The Northern Shaanxi model is based on over infiltration and runoff generation.When the rainfall intensity i is greater than the infiltration capacity F of the underlying surface, the soil infiltration rate is equal to the infiltration capacity. Some rainfall infiltrates into the soil, and the rest becomes surface runoff. If it is less than, all the rainfall will infiltrate into the soil and increase the soil water content. At this time, there is no runoff in the basin.

Considering the uneven distribution of rainfall and underlying surface in the basin, the basin is divided into several units, including impervious area FB and permeable area 1-FB. In the impervious area, the rainfall P minus evaporation e is the direct runoff R1; in the permeable area, the surface runoff R2 can be calculated by using the empirical infiltration formula and the basin infiltration capacity distribution curve; then the total runoff r = R1 + R2. Linear reservoir and lag algorithm are used for slope confluence of each unit. The muskingen segment continuous algorithm is used to calculate the river confluence. The total discharge process of the basin can be obtained by adding the discharge process of each unit to the outlet section.

Tian attempts to improve the Northern Shaanxi model by adding three new runoff structures, i.e. soil flow, underground runoff and unsaturated lateral flow, in order to better meet the actual runoff characteristics.




赵人俊 (2019). 陕北模型, Model Item, OpenGMS, https://geomodeling.njnu.edu.cn/modelItem/88cc7404-593d-4c0f-ae3b-701562c39fbe


Initial contribute : 2019-12-22



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