AERSCREEN is the recommended screening model based on AERMOD.

screening modelAERMOD


Initial contribute: 2019-10-14


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Application-focused categoriesNatural-perspectiveAtmospheric regions

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AERSCREEN is the recommended screening model based on AERMOD. The model will produce estimates of "worst-case" 1-hour concentrations for a single source, without the need for hourly meteorological data, and also includes conversion factors to estimate "worst-case" 3-hour, 8-hour, 24-hour, and annual concentrations. AERSCREEN is intended to produce concentration estimates that are equal to or greater than the estimates produced by AERMOD with a fully developed set of meteorological and terrain data, but the degree of conservatism will vary depending on the application.

AERSCREEN (Version 16216) code including the latest MAKEMET code (Version 16216) is provided below along with documentation and test cases. The MAKEMET program interfaces with AERSCREEN to generate a site-specific matrix of screening meteorological conditions based on user inputs for input into AERMOD.

Please note that before using AERSCREEN, users must have the latest AERMOD executable (09292 or later) as well as the AERMAP terrain preprocessor and BPIPPRM executables. These programs can be downloaded from the AERMOD Modeling System section.



US Environmental Protection Agency (2019). AERSCREEN, Model Item, OpenGMS,


Initial contribute : 2019-10-14



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