In the code below is shown an example of instantiation and execution of an SIS simulation on a random graph: we set the initial set of infected nodes as 5% of the overall population, a probability of infection of 1%, and a probability of recovery of 0.5%. import networkx as nx import ndlib.models.ModelConfig as mc import ndlib.models.epidemics.SISModel as sis # Network topology g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(1000, 0.1) # Model selection model = sis.SISModel(g) # Model Configuration cfg = mc.Configuration() cfg.add_model_parameter('beta', 0.01) cfg.add_model_parameter('lambda', 0.005) cfg.add_model_parameter("percentage_infected", 0.05) model.set_initial_status(cfg) # Simulation execution iterations = model.iteration_bunch(200)