HEC-FIA (Hydrologic Engineering Center - Flood Impact Analysis)

The consequences HEC-FIA computes include economic losses (losses to structures and their contents), agricultural losses, and expected life loss from these hydraulic events.

economic lossesagricultural losseslife losshydraulic events


Initial contribute: 2020-01-08


Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), Risk Management Center (RMC) and Engineering Research and Design Center (ERDC)
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Application-focused categoriesNatural-perspectiveLand regions

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Quoted from: https://www.hec.usace.army.mil/software/hec-fia/ 

The Hydrologic Engineering Center's (HEC) Flood Impact Analysis (HEC-FIA) software is a tool to help identify the consequences from a single event. HEC-FIA was developed by HEC in collaboration with the Risk Management Center (RMC) and the Engineering Research and Design Center (ERDC). HEC-FIA evaluates consequences from events defined by hydraulic model output such as gridded data (e.g., depth and arrival time Grids) or HEC's Data Storage System (HEC-DSS) Stage Hydrographs. The consequences HEC-FIA computes include economic losses (losses to structures and their contents), agricultural losses, and expected life loss from these hydraulic events.

HEC-FIA is available in three versions, HEC-FIA 2.2 which has been certified by the Flood Risk Management Planning Center of Expertise (FRM PCX), and HEC-FIA 3.0 (provisional) and HEC-FIA 3.1 (provisional) are new versions available (in the process of being certified by the FRM PCX). Based on the needs of the project, select the proper version and details about the version of HEC-FIA will be provided.

The Hydrologic Engineering Center Flood Impact Analysis (HEC-FIA) software, Version 2.2, analyzes the consequences from a flood event. It calculates damages to structures and contents, losses to agriculture, and estimates the potential for life loss. HEC-FIA can also assist Corps Planning studies by looking at single events deterministically to support the OSE account with Life Loss and population at risk, or through helping to determine the impacts to agriculture for typical events for the study region. It should be noted that HEC-FIA can only be used to compute annual benefits across the full range of potential flood events, and in compliance with Corps policies regarding risk and uncertainty analysis, when used in conjunction with programs like HEC-WAT with the FRA compute option, DAM-RAE, or @Risk. HEC-FIA is typically used to perform dam and levee failure scenario analysis to support consequence estimates to determine the risk posed or prevented by Corps Projects.

This site offers a location to download the HEC-FIA software, along with user, guidance on general applications, sample workshops, and assists with the support services HEC provides to its customers and partners. Please feel free to download the software, ask for assistance, suggest improvements, and report bugs. The diverse experiences of modelers provide far more insights into the application of the program than the software developers can realize on their own, so both positive and negative feedback and suggestions are welcome. Direct technical support by HEC is limited to Corps of Engineers staff members and organizations with a support agreement. Please review our Support Policy page for details.

The Hydrologic Engineering Center Flood Impact Analysis (HEC-FIA) software, Version 3.0 (provisional), is a tool for quantifying the consequences of flood events. New enhancements to HEC-FIA Version 3.0 include evaluation of indirect economic losses from catastrophic flood events and incorporation of uncertainty into consequences computations. For more detail on the new features of HEC-FIA Version 3.0 please visit the HEC-FIA Version 3.0 Features page.

Relevant applications of HEC-FIA Version 3.0 include:

  • Describing the life loss potential to support the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Dam and Levee Safety programs
  • Calculating consequences in real time to support CWMS (Corps Water Management System)
  • Computing benefit to cost ratios with uncertainty in HEC-WAT (Watershed Analysis Tool) with the FRA (flood risk analysis) compute option
  • Supporting calculations for the OSE (Other Social Effects) account for feasibility studies

The HEC-FIA software, User’s Manual on general applications, and sample workshops are available via this webpage. Also, please feel free to download the software, ask for assistance, suggest improvements, and report bugs via this webpage. The diverse experiences of modelers provides far more insights into the application of the software than the software developers can realize on their own, so both positive and negative feedback and suggestions are welcome. Direct technical support by HEC is limited to USACE staff members and organizations with a support agreement. Please review our Support Policy page for details.

The Hydrologic Engineering Center's Flood Impact Analysis (HEC-FIA) software, Version 3.1 (provisional), is now available. HEC-FIA is a tool intended to support the evaluation of consequences of flood events. This incremental release of HEC-FIA adds two features:

  • Flood Damages Reduced
  • Reconstruction

Along with these new features, several minor bugs and enhancements were added to the software. HEC-FIA is supported in CWMSHEC-RTS, and HEC-WAT to add consequence assessment to each of those packages.

Relevant applications of HEC-FIA Version 3.1 include:

  • Describing the life loss potential to support the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Dam and Levee Safety programs
  • Calculating consequences in real time to support CWMS (Corps Water Management System)
  • Computing damage frequency curves with uncertainty in HEC-WAT (Watershed Analysis Tool) with the FRA (flood risk analysis) compute option
  • Supporting calculations for the OSE (Other Social Effects) account for feasibility studies

The HEC-FIA 3.1 software package and user's guide are available on this web page. Please join the discussion about HEC-FIA on our discourse page.




HEC-FIA team (2020). HEC-FIA (Hydrologic Engineering Center - Flood Impact Analysis), Model Item, OpenGMS, https://geomodeling.njnu.edu.cn/modelItem/3f3890b0-2968-4868-a173-313cdd4bc854


Initial contribute : 2020-01-08



Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), Risk Management Center (RMC) and Engineering Research and Design Center (ERDC)
Is authorship not correct? Feed back

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