HadGEM2-ES is a coupled earth system model, the first Met Office Hadley central model that includes earth system components as a standard. It is a unified atmospheric model developed and used by the Meteorological Administration for seamless applications ranging from short-range numerical weather forecasting to seasonal, inter-decadal, and centennial climate predictions. It is used by many agencies around the world for operational weather forecasting and climate research. The HadGEM2-ES climate model includes atmospheric GCM with horizontal and vertical resolutions of N96 and L38. The atmospheric model operates with N96 horizontal resolution (latitude 1.25°×1.875° longitude), with 38 vertical horizontal (L38) and 30-minute time steps long. The ocean model operates at 1° latitude × 1° longitude (increasing the resolution near the equator), 40 vertical levels and a resolution of 1 hour time step. The components of the Earth system included are the terrestrial and marine carbon cycles and tropospheric chemistry. The global vegetation model of earth vegetation and carbon dynamics, represented by TRIFFID, simulates the coverage and carbon balance of 5 planted cover types (broadleaf trees, conifers, C3 grass, C4 grass and shrubs).

coupled earth system modelearth system components


Initial contribute: 2020-06-29


Application-focused categoriesIntegrated-perspectiveGlobal scale

Detailed Description

English {{currentDetailLanguage}} English

The scientific understanding of the Earth’s climate system, including the central question of how the climate system is likely to respond to human-induced perturbations, is comprehensively captured in GCMs and Earth System Models (ESM). Diagnosing the simulated climate response, and comparing responses across different models, is crucially dependent on transparent assumptions of how the GCM/ESM has been driven – especially because the implementation can involve subjective decisions and may differ between modelling groups performing the same experiment. This paper outlines the climate forcings and setup of the Met Office Hadley Centre ESM, HadGEM2-ES for the CMIP5 set of centennial experiments. We document the prescribed greenhouse gas concentrations, aerosol precursors, stratospheric and tropospheric ozone assumptions, as well as implementation of land-use change and natural forcings for the HadGEM2-ES historical and future experiments following the Representative Concentration Pathways. In addition, we provide details of how HadGEM2-ES ensemble members were initialised from the control run and how the palaeoclimate and AMIP experiments, as well as the “emissiondriven” RCP experiments were performed.



Jian Liu (2020). HadGEM2-ES, Model Item, OpenGMS, https://geomodeling.njnu.edu.cn/modelItem/7d8460a3-3db2-4cd1-ba91-65590a8233c5


Initial contribute : 2020-06-29


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