MOCAGE (Modèle de Chimie Atmosphérique de Grande Echelle)

MOCAGE (Modèle de Chimie Atmosphérique de Grande Echelle) is the Chemistry –Transport Model developed by Meteo-France. It aims at simulating atmospheric composition, including both gases and aerosols, for a wide range of applications: air quality forecasting to studies, impact of climate change, volcanic ash tracking, etc…

Chemistry-Transportatmospheric compositiongasesaerosolsair qualityforecastingclimate changevolcanic ash tracking


Initial contribute: 2021-06-04


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Application-focused categoriesNatural-perspectiveAtmospheric regions

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MOCAGE (Modèle de Chimie Atmosphérique de Grande Echelle) is the Chemistry –Transport Model developed by Meteo-France. It aims at simulating atmospheric composition, including both gases and aerosols, for a wide range of applications: air quality forecasting to studies, impact of climate change, volcanic ash tracking, etc…

MOCAGE is a flexible model that can use a global configuration but also limited-area domains using higher resolutions. Its grid-nesting capability offers the possibility to run several nested domains at the same time with increasing resolution. One of the standard configurations consists of a global domain at 2 degrees resolution, a European domain at 0.5 degree and a regional domain at 0.1 degree. The vertical grid uses a hybrid coordinate following the surface orography close to the surface and isobars in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. The standard configuration consists of 47 vertical levels with 7 levels in the boundary layer, 20 in the troposphere and 20 in the stratosphere with a top level at 5 hPa. There is also an extended configuration with 60 levels up to 0.07 hPa.

MOCAGE being a Chemistry-Transport Model, it makes use of meteorological conditions (pressure, wind, temperature, etc…) calculated by another model such as ARPEGE, AROME, IFS for air quality forecasts or ARPEGE-Climat for climate simulations. Emissions required as model input come mostly from inventories, except for desert dusts and sea salt aerosols that are emitted dynamically as a function of wind intensity.

Based on these inputs (meteorology and emissions), MOCAGE simulates for each gaseous and aerosol species the horizontal and vertical transport at different scales, physical processes such as scavenging, dry deposition at surface or sedimentation for aerosols, and also chemical processes.

For gaseous chemistry, the chemical scheme merges the tropospheric scheme RACM (Stockwell, 1997) and REPROBUS (Lefèvre, 1994). It includes 112 species and 373 reactions, giving the possibility to simulate air quality, tropospheric composition and the stratospheric ozone layer.

Aerosols are represented in MOCAGE by a bin approach, with 6 size classes per type of aerosols. Primary aerosols are desert dust, sea salts, black carbon, organic carbon and birch pollens. Interactions between gases and primary aerosols forming secondary aerosols via ISORROPIA model are included and describe the formation of nitrate, sulphate and ammonium aerosols. In the short term, the introduction of secondary organic aerosols is planned.

There is also a lighter and faster version of the model, called MOCAGE-Accident, that describes the transport in the atmosphere of plumes generated by point-source emissions. This version can also be used in backward mode to determine the geographical location of the emission of a pollutant.

Both versions of MOCAGE (with and without chemistry) are fully operational at Meteo-France. For instance, MOCAGE-Accident has been extensively used during the period of the eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull Icelandic volcano in 2010 and of the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011. MOCAGE is also run daily since 2005 for Prev’Air, the French national program for air quality ( that provides daily forecasts of major air quality pollutants. It is also one of the models contributing to the multi-model ensemble that produces operationally air quality forecasts and analyses over Europe in the frame of the MACC/Copernicus European program (

There is also a wide range of research applications of MOCAGE. In air quality research, it has been involved since 2001 in ESCOMPTE project (with focus on the South of France) and more recently in TRAQA project and CHARMEX international program over the Mediterranean area. MOCAGE was also used for air quality researches in the European projects GEMS and MACC. At a larger scale, MOCAGE was involved in the study of the interactions between the West African monsoon and atmospheric composition the frame of the AMMA international program.

Another application is the study of the impact of climate change on atmospheric composition. At the global scale, MOCAGE participated to the ACCMIP and CCM-I inter-comparison projects in support to IPPC. It was also involved in IMPACT2C European project aiming at quantifying the various impacts of a +2 degree climate. MOCAGE contributed to the air quality part of the project.

MOCAGE has also a data assimilation system based on variational techniques (MOCAGE-PALM) which is jointly developed with CERFACS . It is used to assimilate satellite observations of air composition (ozone, CO, AOD, ...), in situ air quality measurements and to prepare future spaceborne instruments via OSSE techniques.



MOCAGE team (2021). MOCAGE (Modèle de Chimie Atmosphérique de Grande Echelle), Model Item, OpenGMS,


Initial contribute : 2021-06-04



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