POM-TC (Princeton Ocean Model for Tropical Cyclones)

A three-dimensional, primitive equation ocean model, upgraded from the original POM by the University of Rhode Island.

three-dimensionalprimitive equationoceanPOM


Initial contribute: 2019-12-28


University Rhode Island
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Application-focused categoriesNatural-perspectiveOcean regions

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Quoted from: https://www.slideserve.com/jody/hwrf-ocean-the-princeton-ocean-model-pom-tc 

The Princeton Ocean Model is a three-dimensional, primitive equation, numerical ocean model (commonly known as POM; Mellor 2004).

Originally developed by Alan Blumberg and GeorgeMellor in the late 1970's.

Initially used for coastal ocean circulation applications.

Open to the community during the 1990's and 2000's.

Many user-generated changes incorporated into "official”code version housed at Princeton University.

Available POM code version transferred to UniversityRhode Island (URI) in mid-1990's.

POM code changes made at URI specifically to address ocean response to hurricane wind forcing.

This POM version coupled to GFDL hurricane model at URICoupled GFDL/POM model operational at NCEP in 2001.

Additional POM upgrades made at URI during 2ooo's (e.g.initialization) and implemented in operational GFDL/POMSame version of POM coupled to operational HWRF in 2007This POM version is now designated "POM-TC”.

Some further POM-TC upgrades made at URI since 2007.





POM-TC team (2019). POM-TC (Princeton Ocean Model for Tropical Cyclones), Model Item, OpenGMS, https://geomodeling.njnu.edu.cn/modelItem/94c229bf-fd53-4b99-adcb-e3f58ed7c98d


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Initial contribute : 2019-12-28



University Rhode Island
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