PHT3D is a multicomponent transport model for three-dimensional reactive transport in saturated porous media.

multicomponent transportthree-dimensionalreactive transportsaturated


Initial contribute: 2021-01-17


University of Western Australia
Flinders University School of the Environment (South Australia) and NationalCentre for Groundwater Research and Training
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PHT3D is a multicomponent transport model for three-dimensional reactive transport in saturated porous media. It is currently being further developed,maintained and documented by Henning Prommer at University of Western Australia and Vincent Post at Flinders University School of the Environment (South Australia) and NationalCentre for Groundwater Research and Training.

The code is based on previous work carried out at Delft University of Technology, the University of Tübingen (Center for Applied Geoscience),  the Contaminated Land Assessment andRemediation Research Centre  (University of Edinburgh), and the University of Western Australia.

The most recent version of the code (v2.10) incorporates MT3DMS (5.3) for the simulation of three-dimensional advective-dispersive multi-component transport and the geochemical model PHREEQC-2 (v2.17) for the quantification of reactive processes. PHT3D uses PHREEQC-2 databasefiles to define equilibrium and kinetic (e.g., biodegradation) reactions.

MT3DMS is based on MT3D, originally developed by Chunmiao Zheng at S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc. and documented for the United States Environmental Protection Agency. MT3DMS is written by Chunmiao Zheng and P. Patrick Wang with the iterative solver routine by Tsun-Zee Mai. Funding for MT3DMS development was provided, in part, by U.S. Army Corpsof Engineers Waterways Experiment Station.

PHREEQC-2 is a computer program written in the C programming language that is designed toperform a wide variety of low-temperature aqueous geochemical calculations. PHREEQC-2 was developed by D.L. Parkhurst as part of the Reaction-Transport Modeling in Ground-Water Systems Project at USGS and C.A.J. Appelo. It is based on former versions of PHREEQC/PHREEQE by D.L. Parkhurst.

As the public-domain codes PHREEQC-2 and MT3DMS form the core of the coupled model, the underlying work of D.L. Parkhurst, C.A.J. Appelo, C. Zheng and their co-workers is greatly acknowledged. 

PHT3D has been incorporated into the PMWIN pre/postprocessing package and is now also available under Visual Modflow (> v4.1), as well as the Open reactive transport interface (ORTi3D)

PHT3D has been tested for benchmark problems from the literature and applied successfully for a wide range of biogeochemical transport modelling studies. Executables of the code are available for Microsoft Windows and Linux Beschreibung: Beschreibung: E:\windows\work\Henning\web\Changes_21_05_2020\pht3d_about_files\linux_s.gif.  An MPI-based parallel version of PHT3D v2.17 has been developed by AaronMcDonough (CSIRO Advanced Scientic Computing Group), and tested and applied by Janek Greskowiak (University of Oldenburg, Germany) on various HPC platforms.

For further information contact or



Henning Prommer, Vincent Post (2021). PHT3D, Model Item, OpenGMS,


Initial contribute : 2021-01-17



University of Western Australia
Flinders University School of the Environment (South Australia) and NationalCentre for Groundwater Research and Training
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