VADOFT (VADOse zone Flow and Transport model)

VADOFT is a one-dimensional finite-element code which solves the Richard's equation for flow in the unsaturated zone.

one-dimentionalfinit-elementunsaturated zone


Initial contribute: 2019-12-16


United States Environmental Protection Agency
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Application-focused categoriesNatural-perspectiveLand regions

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VADOFT is a one-dimensional finite-element code which solves the Richard's equation for flow in the unsaturated zone. The user may make use of the constitutive relationships between pressure, water content, and hydraulic conductivity to solve the flow equations. VADOFT may also simulate the fate and transport of two parent and two daughter products. The PRZM and VADOFT codes are linked together with the aid of a flexible execution supervisor that allows the user to build loading models which are tailored to site-specific situations. In order to perform exposure assessments, the code is equipped with a Monte Carlo pre- and post-processor.



US EPA (2019). VADOFT (VADOse zone Flow and Transport model), Model Item, OpenGMS,


Initial contribute : 2019-12-16



United States Environmental Protection Agency
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