
The DNDC-Europe model was developed to assess the effect of agri-environmental policy on GHG emissions.

EuropeDNDCagri-environmental policyGHG emissions


Initial contribute: 2020-01-02


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Quoted from: Gilhespy, Sarah L., Steven Anthony, Laura Cardenas, David Chadwick, Agustin del Prado, Changsheng Li, Thomas Misselbrook et al. "First 20 years of DNDC (DeNitrification DeComposition): model evolution." Ecological modelling 292 (2014): 51-62. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2014.09.004 

The DNDC-Europe model was developed to assess the effect of agri-environmental policy on GHG emissions (Leip et al., 2008). The large scale economic model for agriculture, CAPRI (Common Agricultural Policy Regional Impact Assessment) detailed in Britz (2005), was integrated with DNDC to produce European simulations of GHG emissions, C stock exchanges and N budgets of soils. The CAPRI framework was developed to capture the complex interaction between the agricultural market, environmental policy, trade systems and the economic behaviours of farmers, consumers and processors at a regional scale and then provide a policy impact assessment on a global scale. The integrated DNDC-Europe modelling framework allows environmental impacts such as GHG emissions to be analysed in the context of economic and social indicators provided by the CAPRI model.



DNDC-Europe team (2020). DNDC-Europe, Model Item, OpenGMS, https://geomodeling.njnu.edu.cn/modelItem/ac7c0a78-b144-4717-84e9-7a2707a1af09


Initial contribute : 2020-01-02



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