MAG is a serial version of a rotating spherical convection/magnetoconvection/dynamo code, developed by Gary Glatzmaier and modified by Uli Christensen and Peter Olson.


Initial contribute: 2019-07-02


Application-focused categoriesNatural-perspectiveSolid-earth regions

Detailed Description

English {{currentDetailLanguage}} English

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MAG is a serial version of a rotating spherical convection/magnetoconvection/dynamo code, developed by Gary Glatzmaier and modified by Uli Christensen and Peter Olson.

User Manual

The MAG user manual is available online.

Community Wiki

Visit the MAG Wiki page for additional support with building, using, or modifying MAG.

MAG Publications List

Research publications using MAG.

Community Discussion

Browse the CIG Mailing List Archive to find past discussions and previous troubleshooting help, or post to the CIG forum with questions or comments.





Initial contribute : 2019-07-02


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