HGS (HydroGeoSphere)

HydroGeoSphere (HGS) is a three-dimensional control-volume finite element simulator which is designed to simulate the entire terrestrial portion of the hydrologic cycle. It uses a globally-implicit approach to simultaneously solve the 2D diffusive-wave equation and the 3D form of Richards’ equation.

three-dimensionafinite elementterrestrialhydrologic cyclediffusive-wave equationRichards’ equation


Initial contribute: 2019-12-30


Aquanty Inc.
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Application-focused categoriesNatural-perspectiveLand regions

Detailed Description

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Quoted from: https://www.aquanty.com/hydrogeosphere 

HydroGeoSphere (HGS) is a three-dimensional control-volume finite element simulator which is designed to simulate the entire terrestrial portion of the hydrologic cycle. It uses a globally-implicit approach to simultaneously solve the 2D diffusive-wave equation and the 3D form of Richards’ equation.

To learn more, view our Webinar on Integrated Hydrologic Modelling with HGS.

Simulating natural processes using mathematics is a fairly difficult job,
and these guys have done a very good job of it. It's a fantastic technology, actually. It's ahead of its time.

-Dr. Ranjeet Nagare, Groundwater Scientist - WorleyParsons

HGS also dynamically integrates key components of the hydrologic cycle such as evaporation from bare soil and water bodies, vegetation-dependent transpiration with root uptake, snowmelt and soil freeze/thaw. Features such as macro pores, fractures, and tile drains can either be incorporated discretely or by using a dual-porosity, dual permeability formulation.


  • Surface domain represented as 2-D overland flow
  • Subsurface domain consists of 3-D unsaturated/saturated flow
  • Surface/subsurface domains interact through physically-based fluid exchange
  • Temporally and spatially varying evapotranspiration based on land use
  • Impact of snowmelt on hydrologic regime
  • Accurate delineation and tracking of the water table position
  • Handling of non-ponding or prescribed ponding recharge conditions and seepage faces
  • Representation of fractured geologic materials with arbitrary combinations of porous, discretely-fractured, dual-porosity and dual-permeability media for the subsurface
  • Accommodation of storage, solute mixing and variable flow distribution along wellbores
  • Density-dependent flow and transport


  • Simulation of non-reactive and reactive chemical species transport, and heat transport in the associated surface and subsurface flow fields
  • Accurate handling of fluid and mass exchanges between fractures and matrix including matrix diffusion effects and solute advection in the matrix
  • Calculation of water age and solute transit time probabilities


  • Fully-implicit coupling approach for all domains provides for a robust, mass conserved solution scheme
  • Advanced computational algorithms that allow the code to perform unprecedented, fully-integrated, 3-D simulation/animation on a personal computer
  • Adaptive time-stepping schemes with automatic generation and control of time steps
  • Fluid and solute mass balance tracking
  • Unstructured finite-element grids

For more information on how to obtain a commercial, academic, or classroom copy of HGS please contact sales@aquanty.com



HydroGeoSphere team (2019). HGS (HydroGeoSphere) , Model Item, OpenGMS, https://geomodeling.njnu.edu.cn/modelItem/f04de679-3770-48e2-998e-568ca9fa3325


Initial contribute : 2019-12-30



Aquanty Inc.
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